Thank you so much for purchasing a gift membership to the non profit Treehouse Museum.

Your Order Number is: [ORDER_ID].

Thank you for purchasing a Treehouse Museum gift membership. Here is the code for you to give to the recipient of your gift:  [COUPON_CODE]

Attached is a pdf certificate with that code included that you can send or print and give to the family receiving the membership.

When the recipient of your gift goes to our Website and clicks on Join and then on REDEEM a Membership Code, they will be able to type in the code, provide information about the family, and then activate the membership. Treehouse memberships are good for 13 months, since Treehouse is closed for part of September for our annual cleaning closedown.

If you have any questions about this gift membership purchase, please contact us at 801-394-9663 x 103 or email us at

Thank you, again, for supporting the nonprofit Treehouse Children’s Museum through this donation.

Treehouse Children's Museum

347 22nd Street, Ogden, UT 84401 | | 801-394-9663 ext 103

Thank You to Our Major Donors