Please Reserve Your Timed Admission Tickets Here.
Both Children and their Adults Need Tickets.
Visitors, including Treehouse Members, MUST reserve tickets for every adult and child 2 or older in their family in advance of a visit to Treehouse. Timed admission tickets are a tool for helping us keep everyone safe and healthy during the pandemic. Please see the terms and conditions for reserving Timed Ticket Admissions below. Masks are not required, but are welcomed. Staff and volunteers will all be wearing masks. Families must stay together and parents must supervise their children at all times.
Consider becoming members of the Museum. Your membership is tax deductible according to the IRS since Treehouse is a private, nonprofit organization. Click on JOIN on the menu bar and keep Treehouse going and growing for families and schools.
Members need to log in on this website before purchasing tickets. Members who are logged into on our website will not be charged for timed tickets. The price is shown on this page, but admission is always free for members and will be zeroed out when you checkout with your tickets. If credit card information is requested by the system, you are not logged in as a member. If you are a member and have difficulty logging in with your email to reserve tickets, please call us at 801-394-9663 and we'll be happy to help you.
All Timed Ticket Admissions are nonrefundable, but may be exchanged if families are unable to visit because of illness. Call us at 801-394-9663 or email us at treehouse@treehousemuseum.org.