Become a Treehouse Member Today!

Join and support the nonprofit Treehouse and enjoy these benefits of membership:

  • Free regular admission to Treehouse
  • Free or discounted admission to special events and member-only events
  • A $35 discount on our Royal Birthday Parties at Treehouse and discounts on rentals and purchases of books and toys at the Welcome Desk.

Membership costs are based on the number of children in the family. Choose the Level that’s right for your family. The Level IV Grandparent Membership allows 5 children.

If you are donating a gift membership for someone else, you will receive a special code to give to your recipient and their membership becomes active when they enter their unique code. There is a link below to redeem codes.


Please note that member children must always be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older) who actively supervises all the children attending with them. Memberships are not valid for fees for field trips, birthday parties, classes, or workshops since these require special staff and/or materials, or offer a bulk discount and free admission for adults.


PURCHASE A New Membership




REDEEM A Membership Code

Thank You to Our Major Donors